What are adjectives?

What are adjectives? Adjectives describe nouns.

Adjectives are like tall, short, smart, and slow that describe nouns like Sam.  

Nouns are like Sam, who is either tall, short, smart, slow, etc.

Sam is a Noun

The noun in all of the following three sentences is “Sam

  1. Sam stepped on an ant.
  2. Sam was stepped on by an elephant.
  3. Sam was slow.

In the first sentence above, the noun, “Sam” is the subject because he is the doer of the action (he stepped on an ant). 

In the second sentence, the noun “Sam” is the object because something was done to him (he was stepped on by the elephant).

In the third sentence, the noun “Sam” is being described by the adjective “slow” and no action was involved.

Thus, the nounSam” can be a subject (the one who stepped on an ant), an object (the one who was stepped on), or the noun “Sam” can be described by the adjective (slow).

Slow is an Adjective

The adjective “slow” describes the noun “Sam” in these three sentences

  1. Sam, who stepped on an ant, was slow.
  2. Sam, who was stepped on, was slow.
  3. Sam was slow

In the first sentence above, “slow” describes the noun “Sam” who is the subject.

In the second sentence, “slow” describes the noun “Sam” who is the object.

In the third sentence, the adjective “slow” simply describes the noun “Sam.”

Thus, an adjective like “slow” can describe the noun “Sam” whether “Sam” is the subject (doer that stepped on something), the object (the one that was stepped on), or the one being described.

What is a noun?

What is a noun? A noun is a thing or a name of a thing that exists around us (Sam) or in our minds (freedom).

Examples of nouns that exist around us are things we can see, touch, hear, taste, or smell (available to our five senses) like Sam, man, school, tree, coffee, cake, music, fragrance, etc.

Examples of nouns that exist in our minds are freedom, love, wisdom, justice, maturity, and any other idea that can exist in our minds that we cannot see, touch, hear, taste, or smell. 

Similar to the way adjectives describe nouns, adverbs describe verbs Read more

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