Free Spelling Rule

A Free Spelling Rule

This first Free Spelling Rule teaches the Spelling of 38 Words Instantly

Lesson 1: Do we spell with “cial” as in “social” or with “tial” as in “essential”?

Rule: Spell with “cial” after a vowel as in “social” and with “tial” after a consonant as in “essential.”

Details: The “cial” and “tial” endings occur in approximately 38 words.


vowel + cial in 11 words:  fa·cial  |  ra·cial  |  gla·cial  |  of·fi·cial  |  ben·e·fi·cial  |  ar·ti·fi·cial  |  su·per·fi·cial  |  ju·di·cial  |  spe·cial  |  cru·cial  |  so·cial

consonant + tial in 20 words:  res·i·den·tial  |  pres·i·den·tial  |  cre·den·tial  |  pru·den·tial  |  con·fi·den·tial  |  po·ten·tial  |  ex·is·ten·tial  |  in·flu·en·tial  |  ref·er·en·tial  |  es·sen·tial   |  se·quen·tial  |  con·se·quen·tial  |  sub·stan·tial  |  cir·cum·stan·tial  |  ex·pe·ri·en·tial  |  par·tial  |  mar·tial  |  nup·tial  |  pre·nup·tial  |  tan·gen·tial

Exceptions: Memorize these seven exceptions and the word “controversial” contradicts all the rules because it is spelled with an “s.”:  fi·nan·cial  |  com·mer·cial  |  pro·vin·cial  |  in·i·tial  |  spa·tial  |  pa·la·tial  |  con·tro·ver·sial


1. Read the above 38 words aloud as many times as needed until you memorize their spelling.

2. On a piece of paper, copy these words and do not try to guess their spelling. Look at each word before you begin to copy it and do not look away from it until you are 100% confident that you can spell it:  facial  |  racial  |  glacial  |  official  |  beneficial   |  artificial  |  superficial  |  judicial  |  special  |  crucial  |  social   |  residential  |  presidential  |  credential  |  prudential  |  confidential  |  potential  |  existential  |  influential  |  referential  |  essential  |  sequential   |  consequential  |  substantial  |  circumstantial  |  partial  |  martial  |  nuptial  |  prenuptial  |  financial  |  commercial  |  provincial  |  initial  |  spatial  |  palatial  |  controversial  |  initially  |  controversially  |  potentially  |  experiential

3. Fill in the blanks using the endings “cial” or “tial” or “sial”:  so _ _ _ _ | essen _ _ _ _ | spe _ _ _ _ | fa _ _ _ _  | offi _ _ _ _ | substan _ _ _ _  | creden _ _ _ _ | residen _ _ _ _ | artifi _ _ _ _ | consequen _ _ _ _ | ra _ _ _ _ | poten _ _ _ _ | confiden _ _ _ _ | circumstan _ _ _ _ | cru _ _ _ _ | pruden _ _ _ _  | gla _ _ _ _ | referen _ _ _ _ | benefi _ _ _ _ | influen _ _ _ _ | judi _ _ _ _ | nup _ _ _ _ | par _ _ _ _ | mar _ _ _ _ | prenup _ _ _ _ | spa _ _ _ _ | pala _ _ _ _ | ini _ _ _ _ | finan _ _ _ _ | commer _ _ _ _ | provin _ _ _ _ | contraver _ _ _ _ | so _ _ _ _ ly | essen _ _ _ _ ly | spe _ _ _ _ ly | offi _ _ _ _ ly | par _ _ _ _ ly | ini _ _ _ _ ly | finan _ _ _ _ ly | commer _ _ _ _ ly | commer _ _ _ _ ized | existen _ _ _ _ | existen _ _ _ _ ism | existen _ _ _ _ ist | cru _ _ _ _ ly | congen _ _ _ _

The above free spelling rule is taken from the book 100 Spelling Rules

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